Clear Urn Vase, Variegated Pittosporum, Aspidistra Leaves, Hot Pink Stock, Green Hydrangea, Pink Tulips, Hot Pink Carnations, Green Trick Dianthus, Pink Roses, Purple Statice.
Brighten their day with this vibrant bouquet! With hot pink carnations, green hydrangeas, pink roses, green trick dianthus, and pink tulips, Blossoming Medley is a delightful mix of colors. Beautiful and bright, this bouquet is the perfect way to add color to any room!
Cube Vase, Seeded Eucalyptus, Italian Ruscus, Viburnum , Green Carnations, Pale Pink Roses, Blue Thistle.
This stunning bouquet is perfect for those who desire a softer look. Featuring gorgeous green carnations, pale pink roses, blue thistles, and more, Light Pink Simplicity is a delightful classic. Order this subtle arrangement for someone special today!
Sweetest Day gift baskets from Cindy's Flowers & Gifts in Paducah are the perfect gift for this tasty holiday. Not only are they filled with your favorite sweet snacks, but they can be customized to be even more sweet for your special someone. Have a candy gift basket made for your friend who loves to snack. For chocolate lovers, you could send a candy bar gift basket or a gourmet chocolate gift basket, it just depends on your Sweetie's taste. Just give Cindy's Flowers & Gifts a call and we'll help you find the perfect treat for your Sweet.